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Curriculum Guide

The EcoActUs eWorkbook contains a wide variety of materials. Some will be interested in all the material, but most want a guided set of materials. Use the Guide pertaining to your interest area in order to narrow the content. Of course, if you find another area of interest, follow that interest trail. Your goal should be to explore and inform yourself in those areas that make the most sense.

The Curriculum Master content is shown below. Use the Curriculum Guide buttons to select a specific suggestion of content for your area of interest.

Curriculum Master

The EcoActUs master curriculum included in six sessions and six technical tracks (within Session 2).




How each of us can lead from where we are to convert our society to sustainability. Meeting this challenge offers unprecedented economic opportunities and helps us address environmental justice. Our organizations need individuals to take the initiative to build on their opportunities to encourage sustainability.

* Welcome and acknowledgements
* Land recognition and thanks to Mother Earth for the gifts of life and for everything that we have
* Introduce the MC and MC introduction to session. (MC provides introductions for each speaker.)


1. Introductions by Michael Linn (0:00:00 - 0:05:47) and Eleanor Powers (0:05:47 - 0:10:36), Co-Chairs of the Climate Boot Camp.
2. Land Blessing by Emily Van Dyke, Founding Board member of the Native American Alumni of Harvard University (0:10:36 – 0:12:13)
3. Tim Guinee (Session Host), Founder of the Climate Actors (0:12:13 – 0:15:21)

The Call to Action


Overview of the Climate Crisis

This is an example of how to effectively articulate the climate crisis facts. The student will understand that humans are causing the climate crisis and must take urgent action to correct it. This crisis has been driven by explosive global demand for unsustainable technologies and practices. We cannot continue to deliver a middle class lifestyle in the inequitable and polluting way we have.


Overview of the Climate Crisis Science - Dan Schrag, Director of the Harvard Center for the Environment. (0:15:21 – 0:30:09)

The Call to Action


Call to Adventure: An Ordinary Hero's Story

The transition to a restorative world is coming and will be led by ordinary people who become Climate Heroes - like you and me. This is the journey of a teenage boy whose example led to planting over 3,000,000 trees (so far). He shares the lessons of a life-time and an uplifting and encouraging example of an ordinary boy doing a heroic act.


Call to Adventure: A Hero's Story - Andy Lipkis, Founder Accelerate Resiliance LA, the wit, humor and wisdom of successfully improving our world. (0:30:09 – 0:46:35)

The Call to Action


What We Must Do

This presentation summarizes what we must do to achieve a sustainable and environmentally just society. We know what the challenges are and there are answers.


What We Must Do - Ken Berlin, CEO (Retired) of the Climate Reality Project, the actions required to create a sustainable and socially just world. (0:49:00 – 1:06:09)

The Call to Action


Case Discussion: What did you learn?

Beginning the process of thinking about what characteristics are important to your organization about your role in sustainability.


Work Session (1:06 - 1:26:38 Martin Royal, Partner at Propulo Consulting.

Strategies That Work...


Refuse the Call?

Doubts are easy, (e.g. who am I to fix this, why will they listen to me, what if they are negative and harsh?). Hear from someone who has persevered thru these challenges, who will acknowledge our natural concerns and describe his journey of working thru his own concerns and take action.


Brooke Suter (Session host), Principal of Sustainable Leadership to Thrive. (0:00 -0:02:51)
Jim Notman, Sustainability Professional at Johnson Controls, a Hero's Story. ( 0:02:51 - 0:06:48)

Strategies That Work...


Strategies That Work...

An overview and introduction to the mentors, strategy frameworks, tools and processes the attendee will use to formulate their strategy for their organization. This session provides an orientation to the agencies and tools that are available and referenced in the eWorkbook (e.g. Project Drawdown, UN, DOE, Energy Star, Doughnut Economics Action Lab, etc.).


Dr. Jonathan Foley, CEO Project Drawdown. (0:06:48 – 0:21:07)
Brooke Suter (Host )– Introduction of Tracks) (0:24:13 – 0:30:54)

Strategies That Work...





1. Host Sarah Cove (0:00:00 – 0:05:57)
2. Panel Discussion (0:05:57 – 0:31:28) [H.G. Chissell (Advanced Energy Group), Julia Gold (National Grid), Sotirios Mamalis (American Bureau of Shipping - ABS)]
3. Summary/Take Aways: Sarah Cove (0:31:28 – 0:40:29)

Strategies That Work...


Built Environment

Built Environment


1. Host Jim Notman (0:00:00 – 0:03:55)
2. Heather Henriksen (Harvard University) (0:03:55 – 0:13:05)
3. Mandi Wedin (Feroce Real Estate Advisors) (0:13:05 – 0:23:13)
4. John Macomber (The Harvard Business School) (0:23:13 – 0:33:09)
5. Summary/Take Aways: Jim Notman (0:33:09 – 0:40:04)

Strategies That Work...


Energy Use

Energy Use


1. Hosts Art Abal & Erik Mielke (0:00:00 – 0:03:18)
2. Panel Discussion w/host Art Abal (0:03:18 – 0:40:28) [ Katie Browning (Schneider Electric, Michelle Chang (Google), Audrey Lee (Microsoft)
3. Summary/Take Aways: Art Abal (0:40:28 – 0:41:41)

Strategies That Work...





1. Paul Kirsch
2. Sarah Cove

Strategies That Work...


Circular Value Chain

Circular Value Chain


1. Hosts Tani Quazi & Ushma Pandya (0:00:00 – 0:05:18)
2. Ron Gonen (Closed Loop Partners) (0:05:18 – 0:11:08),
3. Dana Gunders (ReFED) (0:11:08 – 0:18:08)
4. Tom Szaky (TerraCycle) (0:18:08 – 0:26:00)
5. Dan De Clercq (De Clercq Office Group) (0:26:00 – (0:31:14)
6. Summary/Take Aways: Tani Quazi & Ushma Pandya (0:31:14 – 0:40:45)

Strategies That Work...


Food and Ecosystems

Food and Ecosystems


1. Host Christopher Nagle (0:00:00 – 0:05:32)
2. Kate Schaffner (The Kellogg Company) (0:05:32 – 0:16:33)
3. Lex Amore (Biomimicry Institute) (0:16:33 – 0:23:56)
4. Kelley Hamrick (The Nature Conservancy) (0:23:56 – 0:34:01)
5. Summary/Take Aways: Christopher Nagle (0:34:01 – 0:42:05)

Strategies That Work...


Work Session

Which strategies are most impactful for your organization?


Session 2 Action Plan Work Session Marianne Mensah, Founder of the Climate Innovation Education Lab (CIEL) and Brooke Sutter.

Challenging the Status Quo


Building the "Business Case"

This presents the business case for integrating ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) into a business strategy. Social issues are not so much tangential to business as fundamental to it. Corporate socially responsible actions are required to manage for long term health. Learn why in this session.


Building the Business Case - Bruce Shaw, Director of the Denny Center of the Georgetown University Law Center the impact of climate and social justice on institutional decision-making. (0:000:00– 0:13:54)

Challenging the Status Quo


A Climate Hero Story: One Individual dealing with the Headwinds

Delivering on my potential to deliver an impact. A story of unexpected opportunity to transform education.


A Transformational Plan - Katie Ginsberg, Founder and CEO of the Childrens Environmental Literacy Foundation, implementing a plan for major change. (0:13:54 – 0:21:56)

Challenging the Status Quo


Public Opinions are Changing

The public and your customers opinions are changing. They understand the costs and risks of our unsustainable society and economy and they want change.


Opinions Are Changing - Anthony Leiserowitz, Founder and Director of the Yale Program on Climate Change, the shift in public opinions about climate change. (0:21:56 – 0:41:12)

Challenging the Status Quo


Impact Investment and the Changing Financial Market Priorities

Dealing with common objections to becoming sustainable. ESG investing, the motivations, trends and returns in green investment and the impact of climate and social justice on traditional approaches. How this will drive behavior. Also how the private sector can play a major role in a more just and sustainable economy.


Impact Investment and Changing Financial Market Priorities - Shane Goodwin, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and Executive Education, SMU, the impact of climate change on financial markets. (0:42:03 – 0:58:45)

Challenging the Status Quo


Stakeholder Mobilization - Getting Diverse Groups to Yes

How do we win at what matters most with multi-organizational public/private stakeholder engagement? The answer lies in things like understanding and prioritizing needs over wants with consensus. We get people on the field when we share alignment on the problem. It's not the solution, it's dealing with the same problem. The problem is general, an obstacle is a problem that must be addressed. This is time dependent. Removing the obstacles requires teamwork.


Stakeholder Mobilization - H. G. Chissell, Founder and CEO of Advanced Energy Group, how to build support for change across organizational boundaries. (0:58:45 – 1:12:38)

Challenging the Status Quo


Promoting Political and Economic Policies that Produce Sustainability

Advocates will continue to drive change. Meeting minimum, required standards is a losing strategy because those standards will keep moving higher. Getting out ahead of the crisis with sustainability leadership and advocacy will avoid costs, reputational risks and organizational crisis.


Promoting Political and Economic Policies that Produce Sustainability - Bill Weihl, Founder and Executive Director of Climate Voice and
Jennifer Allyn, Director of Programs for Climate Voice, how to build support from the ground up. (1:12:38 – 1:24:33)

Challenging the Status Quo


Work Session

Your commitment, and the challenges you will likely face in your organization because of how our society and economy works and how that can evolve.


Action Plan Assignment and Shared Learnings Based on Personal Experience - Martin Royal is joined by Hui Wen Chan (1:24:33 – 1:41:33)

Road to Change


Organizational Transformation

An example of driving organizational transformation.


Organizational Transformation – Dr. Hubert Joly, driving change through creating “human magic”. (0:00:00 – 0:32:39)

Road to Change


Your Organization's Sustainability Audit

How to identify an organization's sustainability opportunities.


Sustainability Audits and Frameworks - Marianne Mensah, Lecturer on Climate Change and Sustainability: an overview of available audit and framework tools to assess sustainability impacts and opportunities for your organization. (0:32:40 – 0:42:31)

Road to Change


The Transformational Journey

What should you expect when you set out to transform an organization? This reveals the secret of successfully causing change and of how to conduct a transformational process.


The Transformational Journey - Will Linn, Founder of Mythouse and General Education Dept. Chair at Hussian College, the process people go through when their thoughts and attitudes are transformed. (0:44:32 – 1:01:48)

Road to Change


Measuring the Net Positive Impact Goal

How to challenge your organization to a Net Positive goal and measure it; tactics for small and larger organizations; issues with emerging standards.


Measuring the Net Positive Impact Goal - George Serafeim, Charles M. Williams Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, measuring our carbon reduction progress. (1:01:44 – 1:15:10)

Road to Change


Meeting the Minimum Standard is Not Enough

This is a hero overcoming adversity - a real life story, overcoming adversity, thriving.


Meeting the Minimum Standard Is Not Enough – Paul Kirsch, CEO of 4THBIN,‌ ‌the risks of just meeting the legally required minimum standards. (1:15:10 – 1:22:46)

Road to Change


Work Session

Develop a "straw man" strategy for your organization including how to engage your organization.


Action Plan Assignment and Shared Learnings Based on Personal Experience - David Raper, Principal‌ ‌of‌ ‌DARe‌ ‌Social‌ ‌Impact,‌ is joined by Hui Wen Chan, Director of Sustainability at Spin, a division of Ford Mobility. (1:22:46 – 1:43:54)

Building Support


Building Support

Learnings based on extensive interviews of trends and concrete examples that can help the participant build momentum and de-risk taking action in your organization by aligning around a common purpose -- "the commitment to create value by contributing to the benefit of society and the planet”.


Building Support – Christa Gyori, CEO & Co-Founder of Leaders on Purpose, integrating purpose & strategy for better business and a brighter future for all. (0:00:00 – 0:14:42)

Building Support


Investing in Sustainability Offers Strong Growth and an Attractive Future

It is a false choice to believe that we must choose between growth and sustainability. Making the case for environmental sustainability because there will be bigger growth from renewables than from fossil fuels. Climate justice will increase while the sustainability of our world will increase. Meanwhile we secure the future for our children. Capital efficiency and natural resource productivity will increase – we will produce more as well as save energy. The emerging sustainable economy leads to lower energy prices, more jobs, greater productivity.


Investing in Sustainability Offers Strong Growth and an Attractive Future – Felipe Calderon, President of Mexico from 2006 to 2012, the emerging sustainable economy will lead to lower energy prices, more jobs, and greater productivity. (0:14:42 – 0:28:40)

Building Support


What We Must Do - A Conclusion

A recap of the opening sessions of the Boot Camp and what we need to do to achieve sustainability.


What We Must Do: A Conclusion – Ken Berlin, CEO (retired) of the Climate Reality Project, summary presentation on our sustainability goals. (0:31:52 – 0:42:10)


Planning Exercise

Reviewing the journey, identifying opportunities to fast track forward, recognizing successes and overcoming obstacles.


(5.3.1). Creating your plan for your organization - Martin Royle, Hui Wen Chan (0:42:10 - 0:53:43)

Building Support


Nature, Beauty, Gratitude

This is a hero overcoming adversity - a real life story, overcoming adversity, thriving.


Nature, Beauty and Gratitude – Louie Schwartzberg, award-winning cinematographer, director and producer, a special reminder of why we must act. (0:53:43 – 1:18:46)

Building Support


Call to Success

Timely updates prior to COP-21 on how our combined climate actions can be commensurate with the size of the problem. The U.S. domestic agenda acknowledges the challenge of the climate crisis and seizes the opportunities to Build Back Better across all communities. Climate, health, environmental and racial justice, and job growth are interconnected. This is a call to mobilize economies and societies so that we all can flourish.


Call to Success – Gina McCarthy, White House Advisor on the Climate and Environment, together we can achieve amazing things with partnerships and integrated approaches to the climate crisis, creating good paying union jobs, environmental justice, innovation and infrastructure. (1:18:46 – 1:28:39)

Building Support


Now We Go!

The charge to take action. Those who hear this call will be the people with the foresight, discipline, and strength of character to save a world and to deliver a world that thrives. So, here's what's next.


Call to Action – Michael Linn, Co-Chairman of the Climate Boot Camp, the next steps. (1:28:39 – 1:34:48)

Progress Review


Review of Accomplishments, Learnings and New Resources

This is a highly recommended, optional work session held approximately 90 days after creating a sustainability plan and beginning to take action. This is "best practices" follow-up to any planning to determine what has been accomplished, what has been learned from the initial effort, and how the plans and actions need to evolve to become more effective.


This is individually led for each training program.

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